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Cincinnati Reds @ Toronto Blue Jays

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Bet ID Date W/L Amount Won Stake Sport Teams
Loss (1)
Win (5)
$152.53 $120.00 [+$32.53] BB (6)
1ZNZ6P3XZX Win $30.00 $20.00 BB Cincinnati Reds, Cincinnati Reds @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
1ZNZ66BE27 Win $28.00 $20.00 BB Cincinnati Reds, Cincinnati Reds @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
1ZNXTE2C7L Win $36.00 $20.00 BB Cincinnati Reds, Cincinnati Reds @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
1ZNXSP6DWO Win $28.00 $20.00 BB Cincinnati Reds, Cincinnati Reds @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
1ZNWDPSEMF Loss $0.00 $20.00 BB Cincinnati Reds, Cincinnati Reds @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
1ZNWCFX55D Win $30.53 $20.00 BB Cincinnati Reds, Cincinnati Reds @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
Loss (1)
Win (5)
$152.53 $120.00 [+$32.53] BB (6)