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Oakland Athletics @ Toronto Blue Jays

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Bet ID Date W/L Amount Won Stake Sport Teams
Loss (4)
Win (4)
$114.31 $160.00 [-$45.69] BB (8)
1ZNGXTX9KY Win $25.71 $20.00 BB Oakland Athletics, Oakland Athletics @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
1ZNGWSJNON Win $28.00 $20.00 BB Oakland Athletics, Oakland Athletics @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
1ZNGWOY1PM Loss $0.00 $20.00 BB Oakland Athletics, Oakland Athletics @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
1ZNGTXZMOL Loss $0.00 $20.00 BB Oakland Athletics, Oakland Athletics @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
1ZNFKAGP39 Win $27.27 $20.00 BB Oakland Athletics, Oakland Athletics @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
1ZNFJ2PS82 Loss $0.00 $20.00 BB Oakland Athletics, Oakland Athletics @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
1ZNEE2NPTS Win $33.33 $20.00 BB Oakland Athletics, Oakland Athletics @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
1ZNEBH9370 Loss $0.00 $20.00 BB Oakland Athletics, Oakland Athletics @ Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays
Loss (4)
Win (4)
$114.31 $160.00 [-$45.69] BB (8)