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Toronto Blue Jays @ Oakland Athletics

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Bet ID Date W/L Amount Won Stake Sport Teams
Loss (2)
Win (2)
$48.08 $80.00 [-$31.92] BB (4)
1ZKP0WJ4B6 Loss $0.00 $20.00 BB Oakland Athletics, Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays @ Oakland Athletics
1ZKP0BT7CD Win $24.44 $20.00 BB Oakland Athletics, Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays @ Oakland Athletics
1ZKNZHS2ZL Win $23.64 $20.00 BB Oakland Athletics, Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays @ Oakland Athletics
1ZKMLF7XZS Loss $0.00 $20.00 BB Oakland Athletics, Toronto Blue Jays, Toronto Blue Jays @ Oakland Athletics
Loss (2)
Win (2)
$48.08 $80.00 [-$31.92] BB (4)